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Sperrinview Special School, Dungannon

Shoebox Tasks

7th Apr 2020


The advent of the Coronavirus has suddenly caused us all to adapt and change many of our daily routines. As school systems close during this initial phase of distancing, attempting to slow the virus down, at Centering on Children we are making adjustments by reducing staff attendance, and sanitizing our environment. School closures have necessitated these steps for we are linked to the classrooms we serve. 

And no one is more directly connected to these classrooms than the students themselves and their families. A change of this magnitude is a huge challenge as families scramble to accommodate their child’s needs at home and the child is now faced with a change to their daily routine which can be most unsettling. It has been observed that students on the autism spectrum can quickly lose the skills learned in school when out of that setting for an extended period of time. Let’s hope this break is short lived!

One way to combat this loss of skills while maintaining some continuity with structured schoolwork is to continue having one-on-one sessions with your child at home. I’m happy to share this information with you…go to our Links page on the website where you’ll find a free downloadable pdf. Teachers can be a valuable resource and support during this time, in what may be a new type of relationship you are developing with your child.

Ron Larsen