Creating Engaging Sensory Stories
For all learners, with or without SEND, sensory stories can be much more interactive and engaging than stories read in the traditional manner.
This resource provides a range of helpful information in the following modules:
1. What is a sensory story?
A. Overview of sensory stories
B. How is a sensory story different to a traditionally read story?
C. Key characteristics of a sensory and traditional story
D. Why do we need sensory stories?
2. How to create a sensory story
A. Choosing a book as the basis for a sensory story: published or creating your own?
B. Introducing and using a template for a sensory story
C. Enhancing the sensory elements of a story
D. Differentiating your sensory story
E. Sensory stories and scavenger hunts
3. Sensory story environments
A. In the classroom/learning environment
B. In the multisensory room
C. Portable Story Environments
4. Using technology in a sensory story
A. When is technology appropriate for a sensory story?
B. iPads and pico projection for a sensory story
C. Which iPad Apps are best for a sensory story?
D. Using sound and music in a sensory story