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Sperrinview Special School, Dungannon

"We're going on a Polar Bear Hunt ..."

13th Jan 2017

A snowball fight!
A snowball fight!
Throwing the snowballs!
Throwing the snowballs!
Through the snow storm -  fun with magic snow!
Through the snow storm - fun with magic snow!
Through the icy river
Through the icy river
'Splish, splash'
'Splish, splash'
'through the dark cave'
'through the dark cave'
Fun with the torch in the deep dark cave
Fun with the torch in the deep dark cave
Anticipation - 'What's next?'
Anticipation - 'What's next?'
Through the snowdrift...
Through the snowdrift...
"We can't get over it, we can't get under it ...."
'one wet nose ...'
'one wet nose ...'